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2009 Nissan Altima bad CVT (transmission) test
Top 5 Problems Nissan Altima Sedan 4th Generation 2007-12
Everything WRONG with the Nissan CVT Transmission
The Fatal Flaw of the Nissan Altima
This is a What a CVT Transmission Feels Like on New Nissan’s!!! #shorts
Nissan Altima 10 Years of Ownership Review Pros and Cons Did it need a new CVT Transmission?
Watch This Before Buying a Nissan Altima 2007-2012
NISSAN CVT TRANSMISSION | why it fails and what you can do about it to prolong it's life
5 Tips to Make your CVT Last FOREVER
Why Nissan CVTs FAIL
Nissan CVT JF011E valve body identification, tear down, and Vacuum test.
2016 Altima 2.5 0-100mph after cvt service